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The Books We Use
Faber Piano Adventures
We use the Faber Piano Adventures series of books. I feel they provide the best experience because…
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
The Primer Level introduces the keyboard, note values, and the grand staff. Students play in Middle C Position and C Position through recognition of steps and skips, and learn letter names independent of finger number. Musicianship is built through the use of dynamics and coloristic experimentation with the pedal.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
Level 1 introduces all the notes of the grand staff, elementary chord playing, and the concept of tonic and dominant notes. Students play in varied positions, reinforcing reading skills and recognizing intervals through the 5th. Musicianship is built with the introduction of legato and staccato touches.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
Level 2A introduces eighth notes and includes C, G, D and A major and minor 5- finger positions. Transposition and functional harmony skills are presented in highly musical settings.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
Level 2B presents cross-hand arpeggios and the full major scales in the keys of C, G, and F. Use of connected pedal and a variety of repertoire keep the students musically engaged as they explore I, IV, V7 chords.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
Level 3A introduces 3/8 and 6/8 time signatures and the triplet. Students learn the chromatic scale, the 7th, one-octave arpeggios, and explore the key of D major through motivating and exciting pieces.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
Level 3B offers appealing repertoire for a smooth transition to the intermediate level. Introduces the octave, the one-octave minor scale, motive and sequence, all 12 major and minor triads, triad inversions, syncopation, and an introduction to sixteenth notes.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
Level 4 stresses chord inversions, sixteenth notes, and minor keys. Attention to graceful touch and dynamics continues to focus the student pianist on musical expression.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, and Performance
Level 5 continues to build musicianship with the circle of 5ths, cadences, flat key signatures, and the three forms of the minor scale. The use of octaves, arpeggios, and dynamic playing across the range of the keyboard develops pianistic skill for the intermediate student.
Books used: Lesson, Theory, Performance, and Technique & Artistry
Accelerated Piano Adventures® for the Older Beginner features the proven, pedagogical approach set forth in the basic piano method and continues the tradition of learning music through discovery, creativity, and adventure. Book 1 of the accelerated series combines the Primer Level and Level One of the basic Piano Adventures® method. Book 2 combines Levels 2A and 2B.
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